Vital Salad
The ingredients in this delicious salad are wonderful for internal cleansing, and especially beneficial for the liver.
1 handful of Euro salad or romaine lettuce
1 carrot, 1 turnip, 1 beet grated
1 cucumber, diced
1 cup of red cabbage grated omit if it makes you too gassy
1 cup of green cabbage grated omit if it makes you too gassy
3 tomatoes, diced
6 celery stalks, diced
1 bunch of parsley
6 endives, (if available)
1 onion diced, diced
1 red pepper with seeds
Dressing :
1 cup olive oil
½ cup apple cider vinegar or lemon
3 tbsp raw honey or other natural sweetener of your choice
1 tsp. sea salt or salt substitute like Bragg liquid soy
Yields 6-8 servings.
Eat this salad as often as possible. Keep it in your refrigerator