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About us

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Tahua. Connecting People to Nature.

We live in a fast-food world. We eat terribly and ingest toxic foods. We rarely exercise and wonder why we feel so lethargic. Food companies are spending a lot of money on advertising and manufacturing all kinds of processed food that’s bad for our digestive and immune system.

Most of us are confused and frustrated trying to figure out what’s good for us and what’s not. While we know that something is wrong with the way we live and eat, we’re lacking clarity on what the right way is.

G-d created the world with bountiful fruit, vegetables, minerals and herbs that should sustain and heal us. Man however, has chosen to eat other kind of food that offer little to no sustenance- and even worse- weaken the body.

No news to you, right? 


Question: is there anything we can do to build up our health? Yes, switch to a diet of more raw fruits

and vegetables (read sidebar), and eat herbs and sea minerals. It’s too hard for you to plant herbs

and extract minerals? That’s what Tahua does. We pick and pack the best minerals and herbs.

Whatever’s inside you could’ve totally planted in your backyard.

Tahua knows what your body needs to be full of energy and vitality.

Tahua has earned a reputation as one of the most trusted supplement companies, by thousands of

people. Our products speak for themselves. People feel better and their lives are revitalized. Anyone

who tries it is hooked because it WORKS.

Why does it work? Because it’s PURE and NATURAL; it is health in its real form. Whatever G-d

created is perfect and we can only prosper with what G-d created.

For example, take Tahua’s C-Food, a natural calcium blend with 72 minerals inside: it’s the most

powerful, potent calcium. You’re probably aware that with any typical calcium, you have to take

magnesium alongside in order to digest the calcium. However, with Tahua’s C-Food, you don’t need

to take any magnesium because G-d has already put in nature’s calcium a dose of magnesium! 

G-d created the world with bountiful fruit, vegetables, minerals and herbs that should sustain and

heal us. Man however, has chosen to eat other kind of food that offer little to no sustenance- and

even worse- weaken the body.

No news to you, right?

Question: is there anything we can do to build up our health? Yes, switch to a diet of more raw fruits

and vegetables (read sidebar), and eat herbs and sea minerals. It’s too hard for you to plant herbs

and extract minerals? That’s what Tahua does. We pick and pack the best minerals and herbs.

Whatever’s inside you could’ve totally planted in your backyard.

Tahua knows what your body needs to be full of energy and vitality.

Tahua has earned a reputation as one of the most trusted supplement companies, by thousands of

people. Our products speak for themselves. People feel better and their lives are revitalized. Anyone

who tries it is hooked because it WORKS.

Why does it work? Because it’s PURE and NATURAL; it is health in its real form. Whatever G-d

created is perfect and we can only prosper with what G-d created.

For example, take Tahua’s C-Food, a natural calcium blend with 72 minerals inside: it’s the most

powerful, potent calcium. You’re probably aware that with any typical calcium, you have to take

magnesium alongside in order to digest the calcium. However, with Tahua’s C-Food, you don’t need

to take any magnesium because G-d has already put in nature’s calcium a dose of magnesium! 

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Dr. Limoges

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